Sunday, 15 July 2012

Ubayy Ibn Kab R.A Sahaba

"O Abu Mundhir! Which verse of the Book of God is the greatest?" asked the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. "Allah and His Messenger know best," arrived the reply. The Prophet cycled the question and Abu Mundhir replied.
"Allah, there is none god but He, the Living the Self-Subsisting. Neither slumber overtakes him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is within the heavens and whatever is onto earth,
..." and most necessarily he went onto towards finalise the Verse of the Throne (Ayat al-Kurs i).
The Prophet smote his chest with his right hand within consent onto hearing the answer and with his countenance cheering with happiness, remarked towards Abu Mundhir. "May information delight and benefit you, Abu Mundhir."
This Abu Mundhir whom the Prophet celebrated onto the information and experience which God had donated onto him was Ubayy ibn Kab, one of his distinguished companions and a fellow of tall esteem within the morning Muslim community.
Ubayy was one of the Ansar and belonged towards the Khazraj tribe. He was one of the former fellows of Yathrib towards agree Islam. He pledged allegiance towards the Prophet at Aqabah ahead of the Hijrah. He participated within the Battle of Badr and else battles there after. Ubayy was one of the appoint few whom devoted the Quranic revelations towards composing and had a Mushaf of his own. He played as a scribe of the Prophet, composing alphabet for him. At the demise of the Prophet, he was one of the twenty five or so civilians whom knew the Quran completely via heart. His recitation was so pretty and his experience so profound that the Prophet advocated his companions towards hear the Quran from him and from three others. Later, Umar too once told the Muslims as he was handling wi th a number of financial matters of state: "O people! Whoever needs towards ask approximately the Quran, lent him go towards Ubayy ibn Kab..." (Umar went onto towards say that anyone wishing towards ask approximately inheritance matters should go towards Zayd ibn Thabit, approximately questions of fiqh towards Muadh ibn Jabal and approximately questions of mone y and commerce, towards himself.)
Ubayy enjoyed a special honor with respect towards the Quran. One day, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him silence, said: "O Ubayy ibn Kab! I possess been led towards appear or lay open the Quran towards you."
Ubayy was elated. He knew of course that the Prophet alone obtained instructions from onto high. Unable towards dominate his excitement, he asked:
"O Messenger of God...Have I been mentioned towards you via name?" "Yes," answered the Prophet, "by your own name and via your genealogy (nasab) within the highest heavens."
Any Muslim whose name had been communicated towards the heart of the Prophet within this method ought certainly possess been of great proficiency and of a tremendously tall stature.
Throughout the years of his acquaintance with the Prophet, Ubayy derived the maximum benefit from his sweet and grand personality and from his grand teachings. Ubayy related that the Prophet once asked him:
"Shall I not lecture you a surah the want of which has not been revealed within the Tawrah, nor within the Injil, nor within the Zabur, nor within the Quran?"
"Certainly," answered Ubayy.
"I trust you would not flee across that door until you know what it is," remarked the Prophet evidently prolonging the suspense for Ubayy. Ubayy continues: "He reared and I reared with him. He activated towards speak, with my hand within his. I endeavoured towards delay him fearing that he would flee ahead of allowing me know what the surah is. When he reached the door, I asked: "O Messenger of God! The surah which you assured towards tell me..." He replied:
"What do you recite when you stand for Salat?" So, I recited for him Fatihatu-l Kitab (the Opening Chapter of the Quran) and he said: "(That's) it! (That's) it! They are the seven oft-repeated verses of which God Almighty has said: We possess granted you the seven oft-repeated verses and the Mighty Quran." Ubayy's affection towards the Quran was uncompromising. Once he recited portion of a verse which the Khalifah Umar obviously could not remember or did not know and he remarked towards Ubayy: "Your possess lied," towards which Ubayy retorted; "Rather, you possess lied."
A fellow whom heard the exchange was amazed and remarked towards Ubayy: "Do you dub the Amir al-Muminin a liar?"
"I possess increased honor and respect for the Amir al-Muminin than you," replied Ubayy," but he has mistook within verifying the Book of God and I shall not say the Amir al-Muminin is exact when he has made an blunder concerning the Book of God."

"Ubayy is right," completed Umar.
Ubayy provided an suggestion of the importance of the Quran when a man arrived towards him and remarked, "Advise me," and he replied: "Take the Book of God as (your) leader (imam). Be proud with it as (your) adjudicate and ruler. It is what the Prophet has bequeathed towards you. ( It is your) intercessor with God and should be obeyed..." After the demise of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him silence, Ubayy remained powerful within his attachment towards Islam and his commitment towards the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. He was constant within his ibadah and would often be located within the mosque at night, as soon as the last obligatory Prayer had been served, engaged within worship or within teaching. Once he was sitting within the mosque as soon as Salat with a category of Muslims, making supplication towards God. Umar arrived within and sat with them and asked each one towards recite a dua. They everybody did until finally Ubayy's curve came. He was sitting adjoining Umar. He felt quite over-awed and became flustered. Umar prompted him and implied that he say: "Allahumma ighfir lanaa. Allahumma irhamnaa. O Lord, forgive ourselves, O Lord, possess mercy onto us."
Taqwa remained the guiding drag within Ubayy's life. He lived merely and did not allow the earth towards corrupt or swindle him. He had a nice comprehension of reality and knew that however a fellow lived and whatever comforts and luxuries he enjoyed, these would everybody fad e away and he would possess alone his nice deeds towards his credit. He was always a type of warner towards Muslims, reminding them of the moments of the Prophet, of the Muslims' affection towards Islam otherwise, of their simplicity and mettle of sacrifice. Many civilians arrived towards him seeking information and advice. To one such fellow he said.
"The believer has four characteristics. If he is afflicted via any mishap, he remains patient and steadfast. If he is granted anything, he is grateful. If he speaks, he speaks the truth. If he traverses a judgment onto any effect, he is just."
Ubayy attained a grading of great honor and esteem among the morning Muslims. Umar branded him the "sayyid of the Muslims" and he arrived towards be broadly known via this title. He was portion of the consultative category (mushawarah) towards which Abu Bakr, as Khalifah, refer red a lot problems. This category was calm of men of nice feel and judgment (ahl ar-ray) and men whom knew the law (ahl al-fiqh) from among the Muhajirin and Ansar. It covered Umar, Uthman, Ali, Abdur Rahman ibn Awl, Muadh ibn Jabal, Ubayy ibn Kab and Z ayd ibn Harith. Umar afterwards consulted the equivalent category when he was Khalifah. Specifically for fatwas (legal judgments) he mentioned towards Uthman, Ubayy and Zayd ibn Thabit. Because of Ubayy's tall standing, one powers possess expected him towards possess been granted addresses of administrative duty, e.g. as a governor, within the rapidly booming Muslim state. (During the moment of the Prophet within fact he had served the fun ction of a saver of sadaqah.) Indeed, Ubayy once asked
"What's the matter with you? Why don't you appoint me as a governor?"
"I do not need your religion towards be corrupted" answered Umar.
Ubayy was presumably prompted towards put the question towards Umar when he observed that Muslims were tending towards stray from the purity of religion and self-sacrifice of the days of the Prophet. He was known towards be specially condemning of the excessively polite and sycophan tic attitude of a lot Muslims towards their governors which he felt carried impair both towards the governors and those below them. Ubayy for his portion was always sincere and frank within his dealings with fellows within specialist and alarmed none one but God. He played as a type o f conscience towards the Muslims. One of Ubayy's principal anxieties for the Muslim ummah was that a day would arrive when there would be harsh strife among Muslims. He often became overwhelmed with emotion when he read or heard the verse of the Quran."
"Say: He (Allah) has power towards post disasters onto you, from above and beneath, or towards cover you with confusion within party strife, granting you a taste of mutual vengeance, each from the other." (Surah al-An'am, 6: 65)
He would otherwise pray fervently towards God for guidance and apply His clemency and forgiveness. Ubayy died within the year 29 AH during the caliphate of Uthman.

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