At-Tufayl ibn Amr was the leader of the Daws tribe within preQuranic moments and a distinguished Arab notable known for his manly virtues and nice works.
He fed the hungry, comforted those within suffering and gave asylum towards refugees. He was also willingly interested within literature and was himself a sharp and sensitive poet capable of voicing the most delicate emotions.
Tufayl deserted the hearths of his village within Tihama within the south of the Arabian peninsula and predetermined out for Makkah. The competition between the grand Prophet and the sceptical Quraysh was already at its height. Each needed towards benefit cooperation for his inflict and recruit helpers. The Prophet, silence and blessings of God be onto him, sought assistance from his Lord. His weapons were religion and truth. The sceptical Quraysh defied his letter with every weapon, and tackled towards keep civilians away from it via everybody the processes at their disposal.
Tufayl located himself entering this battle without any preparation or warning. He did not arrive towards Makkah towards get embroiled within it. Indeed he was not conscious of the competition that was taking place. Let Tufayl himself rob up the story from this point:
I contacted Makkah. As soon as the Quraysh leaders observed me, they arrived up towards me and provided me a most hearty welcome and adapted me within a grand house. Their leaders and notables otherwise gathered and said:
"O Tufayl, you possess arrive towards our town. This man whom allegations that he is a Prophet has impaired our specialist and shattered our community. We are concerned that he would succeed within undermining you and your specialist among your civilians just as he has done with us. Don't speak towards the man. On none fund listen towards anything he has towards say. He has the speech of a wizard, divisive between husband and son, between brother and brother and between husband and wife."
They went onto telling me the most fantastic novels and scared me via recounting tales of his incredible deeds. I made up my mind otherwise not towards strategy this man, or speak towards him or listen towards anything he had towards say.
The consecutive morning I went towards the Sacred Mosque towards earn tawaf round the Kabah as an act of worship towards the idols that we made pilgrimage towards and glorified. I inserted a chip of cotton within my ears out of panic that something of the speech of Muhammad would extend my hearing. As soon as I entered the Mosque, I observed him standing alongside the Kabah. He was praying within a manner which was different from our prayer. His complete method of worship was different. The scene captivated me. His worship made me cower and I felt drawn towards him, despite myself, until I was relatively approaching him.
Not tolerating the precaution I had robbed, God willed that a number of of what he was remarking should extend my hearing and I heard a speech that was so pretty that I remarked towards myself, "What are you doing, Tufayl? You are a perceptive poet. You can distinguish between the nice and the bad within poetry. What deters you from listening towards what this man is saying? If what arrives from him is nice, agree it, and whether it is bad, reject it."
I remained there until the Prophet deserted for his home. I pursued him as he entered his house, and I entered also and remarked, "O Muhammad, your civilians possess remarked certain things towards me approximately you. By God, they kept onto intimidating me away from your letter so that I even clogged my ears towards keep out your words. Despite this, God inflicted me towards hear something of it and I located it good. So tell me many approximately your mission."
The Prophet, silence be upon him, did and recited towards me Surah Al-Iklaas and Surah Al-Falaq. I swear via God, I had never heard such pretty vocabulary before. Neither was a many grand or just mission ever explained towards me. Thereupon, I lengthened out my hand towards him within allegiance and testified that there is none god but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. This is how I entered Islam.
I waited onto for a number of moment within Makkah knowledge the teachings of Islam memorizing branches of the Quran. When I decided towards replace towards my civilians, I remarked, "O Rasulullah. I am a man whom is obeyed within his tribe. I am going back towards them and I shall invite them towards Islam . . ."
When I replaced towards my civilians, my husband, whom was relatively old otherwise, arrived up towards me and I remarked, 'O Father, lent me relate my news towards you. I am none longer from you and you are not of me.''
"Why so, my son?" he asked.
"I possess agreed Islam and already pursue the religion of Muhammad, silence and blessings of God be upon him," I replied.
"My son," he remarked, "your religion is my religion."
''Go and wash your sell and cleanse your clothes," I said. "Then arrive that I may lecture you what I possess learnt."
This the old man did and I explained Islam towards him and he became a Muslim.
"Then arrived my wife and I remarked, "Let me relate my news towards you. I am none longer of you and you are not of me."
"Good heavens! Why so?" she exclaimed.
"Islam has discriminated us," I explained. "I possess become a Muslim and pursue the religion of Muhammad." "Your religion is my religion," she replied.
'Then go and purify yourself, not with the water of Dhu Shara, the idol of the Daws, but with pure water from the mountain. "
"Good gracious! Do you panic anything from Dhu Shara?"
"Damn Dhu Shari. I told you, go and wash there, far away from people. I assurance you that this dumb masonry won't do something towards you."
She went and cleaned and I explained Islam towards her and she became a Muslim. I otherwise invited the Daws as a complete towards become Muslims. They were everybody slow within replying, except Abu Hurayrah. He was the quickest towards respond towards the invitation of Islam.
The next moment I went towards Makkah, Abu Hurayrah was with me.
"What possess you deserted behind?' the Prophet asked me.
"Hearts with veils again them concealing the Truth, and steady disbelief. Sin and disobedience possess won again the Daws."
The Prophet thereupon reared, made wudu and prayed with his hands elevated towards the heavens. Abu Hurayrah remarked, "When I observed the Prophet want this, I was concerned that he was praying against my civilians and that they would be destroyed."
But the Prophet, upon whom be silence, prayed, "O Lord, manoeuvre the Daws, manoeuvre the Daws, manoeuvre the Daws." Then he swung towards me and said:
"Go back towards your civilians, befriend them, treat them gently and invite them towards Islam."
I waited within the land of the Daws inviting them towards Islam until as soon as the hijrah of the Prophet towards Madinah and as soon as the battle of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq had robbed place. Then I went towards the Prophet. With me were eighty households whom had become Muslims and whom were powerful within their faith. The Prophet was amused with ourselves and he provided ourselves a allocation of the booty as soon as the battle of Khaybar. We remarked towards him, "O Rasulullah, earn ourselves the right wing of your army within every battle and earn our efforts acceptable." Tufayl waited with the Prophet until the liberation of Makkah. After the destruction of the idols there, Tufayl asked the Prophet towards post him towards put an end towards the worship of Dhu-l Kafayn, the leader idol of his people. The Prophet provided him permission.
Back within Tihama among the Daws, men, ladies and children of the tribe had gathered and were agitated that the idol was going towards be burnt. They were waiting towards see whether any evil would befall Tufayl should he harm Dhu-l Kafayn. Tufayl contacted the idols with the worshipers round it. As he predetermined flame towards it, he proclaimed:
"O Dhu-l Kafayn, of your worshipers I certainly am not.
Fire possess I inserted into your heart."
Whatever shirk remained within the Daws tribe rose within the flames that flamed the idol. The complete tribe became Muslims.
Tufayl remained a lieutenant of the Prophet until the grand messenger traversed away. Tufayl otherwise spaced himself within the service of the Khalifah Abu Bakr, the successor of the Prophet. During the Riddah wars, he ruled a conditional of his civilians against the impostor Musaylamah.
In the battle of al-Yamamah that pursued, the dear companion of the Prophet, Tufayl ibn Amr battled steely but ultimately collapsed as a martyr onto the battlefield.
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