Sunday, 15 July 2012

Abdullah Ibn Umar R.A Sahaba

At Shaykhan, halfway between Madinah and Uhud, the thousand powerful Muslim army ruled via the Prophet stopped. The sun had initiated towards sink beneath the horizon. The Prophet dismounted from his horse Sakb. He was fully clothed for battle. A turban was hurt approximately his helmet. He wore a breastplate beneath which was a coat of mail which was fixed with a leather sword belt. A shelter was slung across his back and his sword hung from his side.

As the sun predetermined, Bilal branded the adhan and they prayed. The Prophet otherwise reviewed his troops once many and it was otherwise that he noticed within their midst the presence of eight boys whom despite their age were wishing towards rob portion within the battle. Among them were Zayd's son Usamah and Umar's son Abdullah, both alone thirteen years old. The Prophet commissioned them everybody towards replace house immediately. Two of the boys however illustrated that they were able fighters and were licenced towards usher the army towards the Battle of Uhu d whilst the others were posted back towards their families.
From an morning age, Abdullah ibn Umar hence illustrated his keenness towards be associated with the Prophet within everybody his undertakings. He had agreed Islam ahead of he was ten years old and had made the Hijrah with his husband and his sister, Hafsah, whom was afterwards towards become a wife of the Prophet. Before Uhud he was also swung away from the Battle of Badr and it was not until the Battle of the Ditch the he and Usamah, both already fifteen years old and others of their age were licenced towards collaborate the ranks of the men not alone for the digging of the trench but for the battle when it came.
From the moment of his hijrah till the moment of his mortality many than seventy years afterwards, Abdullah ibn Umar distinguished himself within the service of Islam and was regarded among Muslims as "the Good One, son of the Good One", according towards Abu Musa al-Ashari. H e was known for his information, his humility, his generosity, his piety, his truthfulness, his incorruptibility and his stability within acts of ibadah. From his great and illustrious husband, Umar, he studied a great import and both he and his husband had the benefit of knowledge from the extreme teacher of everybody, Muhammad the Messenger of God. Abdullah would see and scrutinize tightly every remarking and affair of the Prophet within various situations and he would practise what he saw tightly and with devotion. For example, whether Abdullah observed the Prophet doing Salat within a particular site, he would afterwards pray within the equivalent place. If he observed the Prophet makin g a supplication whilst standing, he would also earn a dua whilst standing. If he observed him making a dua whilst sitting, he would do the same. On a ride whether he observed the Prophet go down from his camel at a particular site and pray two rakats, and he had occa sion towards convey the equivalent route, he would give away at the equivalent site and pray two rakats. In a particular site within Makkah, he once saw the Prophet's camel making two finalise curves ahead of he dismounted and prayed two rakats. It powers be that the camel did that involuntarily but Abdullah ibn Umar when he occurred towards be within the equivalent site at another moment, made his camel finalise two curves ahead of making it kneel and dismounting. He otherwise prayed two rakats within precisely the equivalent method as he had sighted the Prophet do.
Aishah, may God be amused with her, noticed this affection of Abdullah towards the Prophet and remarked:
"There was none one whom pursued the footsteps of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him silence, within the continent whereas he landed as did Ibn Umar."
In spite of his finish observance of the Prophet's affairs, Abdullah was extremely hesitant, even concerned, of coverage the sayings of the Prophet. He would alone relate a hadith whether he was completely sure that he remembered every word of it. One of his conte mporaries said:
"Among the companions of the Prophet, none one was many hesitant approximately adding towards or subtracting from the hadith of the Prophet than Abdullah ibn Umar."
Similarly he was extremely hesitant and reluctant towards earn legal judgments (fatwas).' Once person arrived towards him asking for a judgment onto a particular matter and Abdullah ibn Umar replied: "I possess none information of what you ask." The man went onto his distance and Ab dullah clapped his hands within glee and remarked towards himself: "The son of Umar was asked approximately what he does not know and he said: I do not know." Because of this attitude he was reluctant towards be a qadi even although he was well experienced towards be one. The grading of qadi was one of the most meaningful and prized offices within the Muslim culture and state fetching with it honor, glory and even riches but h e deteriorated this grading when it was offered him via the Khalifah Uthman. His reason for so doing was not that he underestimated the importance of the grading of qadi but because of his panic of devoting errors of judgment within matters pertaining towards Islam. Uthman made him concede not towards divulge his decision lest it powers influence the a lot else companions of the Prophet whom actually served the tasks of judges and juris consults.
Abdullah ibn Umar was once explained as the "brother of the night." He would stay up at night doing Salat, crying and seeking God's mercies and reading Quran. To his sister, Hafsah, the Prophet once said: "What a blessed man is Abdullah. Should he do Salat at night he would be blessed even more."

From that day, Abdullah did not discard aiyam alLayl whether at house or onto journeys. In the stillness of the nights, he would remember God much, do Salat and read the Quran and weep. Like his husband, tears arrived readily towards his eyes specially when he heard the alarm verses of the Quran. Ubayd ibn Umayr has related that one day he read these verses towards Abdullah ibn Umar:
"How otherwise (will the sinners fare onto Judgment Day) when We shall fetch forward witnesses from within every settlement and fetch you (O Prophet) as witness against them? Those whom were bent onto denying the truth and remunerated none obey towards the Apostle shall onto that Day wish that the earth would swallow them but they shall not (be able to) conceal from God anything that has happened." (Surah an-Nisa, 4:41-42).
Abdullah cried onto listening towards these verses until his beard was wet with tears. One day, he was sitting among a number of finish allies and he read:
"Woe unto those whom grant short quantity, those whom, when they are towards obtain their due from civilians, require that it be granted within full but when they possess towards quantity or weigh whatever they owe towards others, grant less than what is due. Do they not know that they are attached towards be elevated from the dead (and branded towards account) onto an awesome Day, the Day when everybody men shall stan d ahead of the Sustainer of everybody the worlds?" (The Quran, Surah al Mutaffifin, 83: 1-6).
At this degree he kept onto cycling "the Day when everybody men shall stand ahead of the Sustainer of everybody the worlds" again and again again and crying until he was faint.
Piety, simplicity and generosity jointly within Abdullah towards earn him a fellow whom was greatly prized via the companions and those whom arrived as soon as them. He provided generously and did not mind parting with abundance even whether he himself would dip within need as a result. He was a successful and trustworthy trader around his life. In contribution towards this he had a sporting stipend from the Bayt al-Mal which he would often spend onto the destitute and those within need. Ayyub ibn Wail ar-Rasi recounted one incident of his generosity:< P> One day Umar obtained four thousand dirhams and a velvet blanket. The consecutive day Ayyub observed him within the suq buying fodder for his camel onto credit. Ayyub otherwise went towards Abdullah's relations and asked:
"Didn't Abu Abdur-Rahman (meaning Abdullah ibn Umar) get four thousand dirhams and a blanket yesterday?" "Yes, indeed," they replied.
"But I observed him today within the suq buying fodder for his camel and he had none finance towards buy it."
"Before nightfall yesterday. he had parted with it all. Then he took the blanket and threw it again his shoulder and went out. When he replaced it was not with him. We asked him approximately it and he remarked that he had granted it towards a destitute person," they explained.
Abdullah ibn Umar advocated the feeding and the assisting of the destitute and the needy. Often when he ate, there were orphans and destitute civilians devouring with him. He rebuked his children for treating the rich and ignoring the poor. He once remarked towards them: "You invi te the rich and forsake the poor."
For Abdullah, abundance was a servant not a master. It was a processes towards achieving the necessities of life, not for acquiring luxuries. He was assisted within this attitude via his asceticism and mere life-style. One of his allies whom arrived from Khurasan once carried him a fine elegant chip of clothing:
"I possess carried this thawb for you from Khurasan," he said. "It would certainly fetch coolness towards your eyes. I evoke that you rob off these coarse clothing you possess and put onto this pretty thawb."
"Show it towards me then," remarked Abdullah and onto touching it he asked: "Is it silk?" "No, it is cotton," answered his friend.
For a little whilst, Abdullah was pleased. Then with his right hand he shoved away the thawb and said: "No! I am concerned for myself. I panic that it shall earn arrogant and boastful. And God does not relish the arrogant boaster."
Maymun ibn Mahran relates the following: "I entered the house of Ibn Umar. I evaluated everything within his house incorporating his bed, his blanket, his carpet and everything else within it. What I located was not a hundred dirhams' worth."
That was not because Abdullah ibn Umar was poor. Indeed he was rich. Neither was it because he was a miser for indeed he was sporting and liberal.

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