Sunday, 15 July 2012

Amr Ibn Al-Jamuh R.A Sahaba

Amr ibn al-Jamuh was one of the leading men within Yathrib within the days of Jahiliyyah. He was the leader of the Banu Salamah and was known towards be one of the most sporting and valiant fellows within the city.
One of the favors of the city's leaders was having an idol towards himself within his house. It was wished that this idol would bless the leader within whatever he did. He was expected towards bid sacrifices towards it onto special occasions and seek its assistance at moments of distress. The idol of Amr was branded Manat. He had made it from the most priceless wood. He spent a great import of moment, finance and consideration glancing as soon as it and he annointed it with the most elegant perfumes.

Amr was almost sixty years old when the former rays of the light of Islam began towards insert the houses of Yathrib. House as soon as house was introduced towards the novel religion at the hands of Mus'ab ibn Umayr, the former missionary posted out towards Yathrib ahead of the hijrah. It was across him that Amr's three sonsÑMuawwadh, Muadh and KhalladÑbecame Muslims. One of their contemporaries was the known Muadh ibn Jabal.
Amr's wife, Hind, also agreed Islam with her three sons but Amr himself knew nothing of everybody this. Hind observed that the civilians of Yathrib were being won again towards Islam and that not one of the leaders of the city remained within shirk except her husband and a few individuals. She relished her husband dearly and was proud of him but she was feared that he should die within a state of kufr and end up within hell-fire.
During this moment, Amr himself began towards feel uneasy. He was concerned that his sons would grant up the religion of their forefathers and pursue the lecturing of Mus'ab ibn Umayr whom, within a short space of moment, had inflicted a lot towards curve away from idolatory and enter the religion of Muhammad. To his wife, Amr consequently said:
"Be careful that your children do not arrive into touch with this man (meaning Mus'ab ibn Umayr) ahead of we pronounce an feedback onto him."
"To hear is towards obey," she replied. "But would you want towards hear from your son Muadh what he relates from this man?"
"Woe towards you! Has Muadh swung away from his religion without my knowing?"
The nice woman felt pity for the old man and said:
"Not at all. But he has attended a number of of the encounters of this missionary and memorized a number of of the things he teaches."
"Tell him towards arrive here," he said. When Muadh arrived, he ordered:
"Let me hear an example of what this man preaches." Muadh recited the FatEhah (the Opening Chapter of the Qur'an):"
"In the name of God, the most Gracious, the Dispenser of Grace. All praise is due towards God independently, the Sustainer of everybody the worlds, The most Gracious, the Dispenser of Grace. Lord of the Day of Judgment! You independently do we worship and towards You independently do we curve for help. Guide ourselves onto the straight distance, the distance of those upon whom you possess donated Your blessings, not of those whom possess been sentenced via You, nor of those whom go astray."
"How heavenly are these vocabulary, and how beautiful!" exclaimed the father. "Is everything he says want this?"
"Yes indeed, father. Do you wish towards swear allegiance towards him? All your civilians possess already done so" urged Muadh.
The old man remained quiet for a whilst and otherwise remarked, "I shall not do so until I consult Manat and see what he says."
"What indeed would Manat say, Father? It is alone a chip of wood. It can nor think nor speak."
The old man retorted sharply, "I told you, I shall not do anything without him."
Later that day, Amr went ahead of Manat. It was the custom of the idolators otherwise towards site an old woman rear the idol when they wished towards speak towards it. She would answer onto behalf of the idol, pronouncing, so they idea, what the idol had inspired her towards say. Amr stood ahead of the idol within great awe and addressed profuse praises towards it. Then he said:
"O Manat, none doubt you know that this propagandist whom was delegated towards arrive towards ourselves from Makkah does not wish evil onto anyone but you. He has arrive alone towards give away ourselves worshipping you. I do not need towards swear allegiance towards him despite the pretty vocabulary I possess heard from him. I possess hence arrive towards get your advice. So please tell me."
There was none answer from Manat. Amr continued:
"Perhaps you are angry. But up till already, I possess done nothing towards harm you . . . Never mind, I shall flee you for a few days towards lent your anger go away."
Amr's sons knew the extent of their father's dependence onto Manat and how with moment he had become almost a portion of it. They achieved however that the idol's site within his heart was being shaken and that they had towards assistance him remove Manat. That ought be h is lane towards religion within God.
One night Amr's sons went with their ally Muadh ibn Jabal towards Manat, took the idol from its site and threw it within a cess pit belonging towards the Banu Salamah. They replaced towards their houses with none one knowing anything approximately what they had done. When Amr awoke the consecutive morning, he went within quiet reverence towards remunerate his respects towards his idol but did not encounter it.
"Woe towards you all," he shouted. "Who has attacked our god last night?"
There was none answer from anyone. He began towards exploration for the idol, raging with rage and risking the perpetrators of the crime. Eventually he located the idol swung upside down onto its brain within the pit. He cleaned and perfumed it and replaced it towards its habitual site saying. "If I encounter out whom did this towards you, I shall humiliate him."
The consecutive night the boys did the equivalent towards the idol. The old man recovered it, cleaned and perfumed it as he had done ahead of and replaced it towards its place. This occurred numerous moments until one night Amr put a sword round the idol's neck and remarked towards it:
"O Manat, I don't know whom is doing this towards you. If you possess any power of nice within you, defend yourself against this evil. Here is a sword for you."
The youths remained until Amr was fast asleep. They took the sword from the idol's neck and threw it into the pit. Amr located the idol lying face down within the pit with the sword nowhere within sight. At last he was convinced that the idol had none power at everybody and did not deserve towards be worshipped. It was not long ahead of he entered the religion of Islam.
Amr soon sampled the sweetness of iman or religion within the One True God. At the equivalent moment he felt great ache and grief within himself at the idea of every moment he had spent within shirk. His receipt of the novel religion was gross and he spaced himself, his abundance and his children within the service of God and His Prophet.
The extent of his affection was guided during the moment of the battle of Uhud. Amr observed his three sons arranging for the battle. He glanced at the three desperate young men fired via the yearn towards benefit martyrdom, success and the fun of God. The scene had a great influence onto him and he decided towards go out with them towards wage jihad below the banner of the messenger of God. The youths, however, were everybody against their husband bringing out his resolve. He was already relatively old and was extremely weak. "Father," they remarked, "surely God has forgiven you. So why do you rob this weight onto yourself?" The old man became relatively angry and went immediately towards the Prophet towards complain approximately his sons: "O Rasulullah! My sons here need towards keep me away from this cause of goodness contesting that I am old and decrepit. By God, I long towards attain Paradise this distance even although I am old and infirm." "Let him," remarked the Prophet towards his sons. "Perhaps God, the Mighty and the Great, shall grant him martyrdom.'
Soon it was moment towards go out towards battle. Amr bade farewell towards his wife, swung towards the qiblah and prayed: "O Lord, grant me martyrdom and don't post me back towards my relations with my wishes dashed." He predetermined out within the corporate of his three sons and a wide conditional from his tribe, the Banu Salamah. As the battle raged, Amr could be sighted transporting within the front ranks, jumping onto his nice foot (his else foot was partially lame), and shouting,
"I yearn Paradise, I yearn Paradise."
His son Khallad remained tightly rear him and they both battled fearlessly within defence of the Prophet whilst a lot else Muslims abandoned within activity of booty. Father and son collapsed onto the battlefield and died within moments of each other.
Scanned from: "Companions of The Prophet", Vol.1, By: Abdul Wahid Hamid.

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